Headband Twists

One of my new favorite things to do with cornrows is make them all start at a central point! Isn't that just cute?! I think it gives an "old" style a new twist!

Speaking of twists, this particular hairstyle for kids is NOT cornrows, it is just twisted hair! No braiding skills necessary!

First, I parted the hair how I wanted the twists to look in the end. Q has a cowlick on the right side of her forehead and so instead of pretending it's not there, sometimes I like to show it off! Might as well learn to love the things we can't change, right? (I spent most of my high school years trying to cover up my own cowlick  - what a waste of time and self esteem!)

Then I held the parts with temporary claw clips. and started twisting one section at a time!

To do this kind of "flat twist" - section out two strands from the front, twist them!
then add more hair to one strand, twist it!
then add more hair to one strand, twist it!
then add more hair to one strand, twist it!
then add more hair to one strand, twist it!
then add more hair to one strand, twist it!
then add more hair to one strand, twist it!

... I think you get the point!   Let me know if you want a video demo of this, it's not an exact science in our house by any means, but maybe a video would be more explanatory!

I ended the twists with a circle of hair and bobby pinned it. You could really end them in a variety of ways, though, claw clips, barrettes, ballies, bows - you name it!

As you can see, my twists got more uniform as I went along.  "Practice makes improvement"! Or however you say that phrase these days! 

Are you keeping warm wherever you are these days?! brrrrr!!


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