Friday Feature!

I really want to start a regular trend here at Curly Hairdo Ideas... one in that on Fridays I feature YOU!!

So send me some pictures, a story, a tip or trick you've learned = Anything! It'd be fun if it were hair related, but really, I'll take anything! :D

email your submission to with the heading "Friday Feature" and I'll email you back telling you what Friday is YOURS! If you have your own blog, store or website, be sure to let me know and I'll link to you, too!

To JUMP START things, I have a $5 amazon gift card to give away randomly to someone who sumbits a Friday Feature in the next week!!  So get those Feature emails sent to me by this time next week (March 4th, 2011) and you'll be automatically entered in the drawing!!  Need some ideas of what to send me? Check out the Be Featured tab under the header.

I can't wait to hear your stories!


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