White Girl Braid Out?

LOL - okay, so have you seen these beautiful Braid Outs on curly hair that you see on sites like Beads, Braids, and Beyond or CurlyNikki?  I loooove them! So pretty, so full!

You've seen us do a couple Braid Outs before (day after curls, etc) and my own mom used to let my hair be wavy the day after wearing french braids... but it isn't a sure-fire style for me! Or Q! It's kinda hit-or-miss. and it never looks big and full like some hair types do... sigh.   But this blog is about learning to love what we have, right? and not wishing for someone else's hair (or clothes or features, or shoes, or...!)

So, I wanted to show you some before and after shots! :)

I actually started to take these pictures to share and show why we don't often do Braid Outs on Q - look at this! lol  (and this is taking out her braids with NO product or water. If I use anything - the waves disappear)

Crazy hair, huh?!  and the parts don't want to hide themselves! and there are strange straight pieces in with the waves  - and at the ends, etc.

Before I threw in the towel, I decided to try a ponytail...

and I liked it!      (Can you believe how long my baby's hair is getting?!?)

So then I thought I would see what happened if we tried just putting the front half up....

Not bad, huh?! :) And she got more compliments today than probably any style to date! LOL  Go figure. :)

If you're curious about what style this followed, and why she has that cute twist beside her face when I have been calling this a "braid" out - here it is! The Toddler Updo - Cornrows and Flat Twists.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these pictures - and don't give up on your hair! It might not look like the pictures or the inspiration, but it's uniquely yours - and it's Worth It!

Find her necklace and other adorable styles at my very own online store - Baltic Amber Avenue


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