Featured Follower!! - Lisa and "Princess"

Welcome back to the series where YOU are the star! I absolutely love sharing stories and pictures of what everyone else is doing!

Let's hear a big welcoming round of applause for a RETURNING Featured Follower! :D  Don't miss Lisa's first post when Princess was just tiny! Especially if you need ideas for young babies or babies with very little hair! 

Lisa shared these pictures on the facebook page (be sure to get in on the action over there! LOL) and I was so excited with her creativity I just thought you all needed to see as well (for those who may have missed the facebook convo, or who don't visit the page at all!) 

Isn't this great?!
(this is slightly reminiscent of a style I've done - that I just realized I don't think I've posted on the blog yet! It is in the facebook hair gallery, though!)

And then with Ribbon added! :D Totally cute! Two styles in one :)

Thank you so much, again, Lisa for sharing your creativity and your daughter with us! 

Is anyone else floored by how much Princess's hair has grown in the last 5 months?! 

To see some other pictures of Princess's hairdo's and many other creations by some talented Mama's - visit the facebook page photos! and then post your own! :D

The more YOU share, the more we will all learn from each other.  So feel free to send in your hair thoughts, routines, expertise and photos! (curlyhairdoideas@yahoo.com)


  1. awww shucks! thanks! she truly is a princess-doing her hair is the only time I can guarantee she will sit still! I am having tons of fun and the longer is gets, the endless possibilities!!!! :D thanks so much for all your inspiration!


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