Diamond Spin Pins in a Headband Braid

For this hairstyle I started french braiding by Q's right ear, across the top of her head toward the left ear.
I wanted the sides free to curl, so I left them out!
(I was mostly interested in keeping her "bangs" out of her eyes.)

Once I had the braid done across as far as I wanted it, I stopped adding new hair and just regular braided for a bit.

Then I swooped (yep, it's a word!) it around behind the french braided part and used some of our new diamond spin pins to keep it in place! (These are the conair spin pins, not the goody spin pin - totally different!)

I left a bit of a long "tail" out just because. :)

Then Q decided she wanted to try on her new winter coat! :D 
Thanks, Great-Grandma!

(of course, then she didn't want to take it off. and it was Hot out!)

And that's that!  What do you think of our new Facebook "LIKE" button??

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  1. very cute like a little crown. Avi likes wearing odd things. Somedays bare naked & a backpack or just shoes. Last week she went through two days of wearing a coat. Toddlers always make me smile. But hey who cares what they wear as long as their hair looks good! LOL!


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