I'm so excited to share another Curly Hair Interview with you today! Today we have the honor of talking with Curly Jannah and her mom, Iman. Make sure you check out their own curly hair blog, Curly Jannah!
Please introduce yourself and your daughter! How old is Jannah?
Jannah just turned 4 years old in September and she loves anything pink or purple!
What made you want to start a blog about her hair?
After being extremely clueless of how to take care of her hair and asking her father if I could relax it (at 3 years old, I was NUTS, I know) he said no and his answer brought me to tears. I was desperate for help and didn't know where to turn to so I went online and did extensive research where I found other great hair blogs. I always wanted to blog about something lol, so this was the perfect opportunity for me to start with something that I became to be passionate about.
What is Jannah's daily hair routine?
At the moment I'm not using any shampoo on her hair. After I co-wash it, I leave the conditioner in, I don't wash it out (Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner
Do you have any other "routines" that you add to that, but don't do every day? If so, what are they?
Yes, I apply oil to her scalp, do a hot oil treatment, or deep condition it during the week. For a complete list of what I do with her hair, you can check out this link: Curly Jannah's Beauty Calendar
Do you use chemicals in her hair?
NO, but I really wanted to when she was 3 years old.
Do you use heat (hair dryer, curling iron, flat iron, etc) on her curls?
I have used them before, maybe 3 times by now. I have only used flat irons.
Have you ever straightened Jannah's hair? Why or why not? What were/are your thoughts on straightening curly hair?
Yes. I straightened it because we were traveling at the time, and I thought if she had straight hair, it would be easier for me to brush and style during the trip. I hope she was too young to even notice or care. I asked her if she remembers her hair being straight the other day and she said no. So that was good. lol. From what I have learned though, heat can do major damage to hair, especially curly hair. So I have decided to never use heat on her hair again. I was afraid I would be sending her the wrong message with straightening her hair. All styles on our blog are heat free.
What is Jannah's favorite way to wear her hair?
What does she think of her hair?
She loves it, every time I style her hair she runs to the mirror and checks herself out.
What is the worst hair advice the two of you have ever received?
I was advised to use hair grease on her hair. The one that is loaded with mineral oil. I used that on her hair for the first 3 years of her life. NEVER AGAIN. It dried her hair out tremendously. It's finally coming back to where it needs to be.
If there was one thing you could say or one tip you could give a young person with curls, what would it be?
I would suggest them to join curly hair forums and blogs, because what you can learn there is so valuable and will help you for the rest of your life. Not only that, you get great support from other fellow curlys. Curly hair is special and needs to be treated with TLC.
If there was one thing you could say or one tip you could give to the Parents of young children with curls, what would it be?!
I would definitely say to make sure you are constantly telling them how beautiful they are and how beautiful their curls are. Know what products are right for your daughters/sons hair. Use organic/natural products as much as you can.
Thank you so much, Iman and Jannah! What a sweetie - and she looks adorable in her sock bun!
For instructions to get this style be sure to read this post Natural Flower Girl.
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